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Education Center

Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the Education Center!

How do I register for a course or event?

To register for a course: 

  • Find the course you would like to stake in the course catalog, there are multiple ways to search for courses, but we suggest using the category or keyword feature.

  • Once you have found the course, you may review it in detail, or register by clicking on the Register button.

How do I access the courses and events I have registered for?

To access the courses and events you have registered for:

  • Go to the vertical menu on the left-hand side of your Education Center

  • Click on Dashboard

How do I access my course materials?

You may access your course materials once your course or event registration appears in your Dashboard. 

  • Go to the vertical menu on the left-hand side of your Education Center

  • Click on Dashboard

  • Select the course you would like materials for

  • Go to the HANDOUTS tab, then download your document(s)

Where is my Online Course Zoom Link?

Please log into your Dashboard and select your upcoming course, then review the session which you would like to access. 

Your Zoom link will be available to view and log into 15 minutes prior to your online session. Once the link is accessible a pop-up will appear with a button for early log-in.

If you do not see a pop-up or a button for the Zoom link, please refresh your page.


How do I check on my course progress?

To access the courses and events you have registered for:

  • Go to the vertical menu on the left-hand side of your Education Center

  • Click on your Dashboard

  • Select the course you would like to review

  • Select the Contents Tab

  • From here, you can view your course and the various section or steps see what have been completed and what needs attention.

I cannot find an course/event I signed up for, where did it go?

If you were able to see a course or event and can no longer see it in your dashboard, it may have become hidden.

If this is the case, go to your Dashboard and click on the "Show Hidden Products" button, then "Unhide" the course or event.

If you do not see a "Show Hidden Products" button in your Dashboard, please contact education@cacm.org.


How do I complete a course or event and get credit?

In order to formally complete a course or event in the system, you must view your Completion Document. There are 2 types of Completion Documents:

  • The Course Completion Document is a document which is granted at the end of each course after fulfilling all necessary sessions and exams (if any).

  • The Event Completion Document is a document which is granted at end of each attended event that is associated with CEUs.

To view whether you have completed a course or event, you may go directly to your TRANSCRIPT.

If you do not see your registration in the transcript, this may mean your course or event was not deemed “completed”.

To ensure that you have gained your Completion Document – please do the following:

  • Go to your Dashboard

  • Select the course you wish to mark as complete (if the course is not yet marked as complete, it will appear with a future expiration date or as an expired registration *If your registration has expired, please contact education@cacm.org*)

  • Go to the CONTENTS tab

  • Then select the last section with should indicate the Completion Document

  • Click on View/Print Your Certificate 

Once you have viewed the document, your course or event will be marked as complete and will appear in your TRANSCRIPT.


How do I sign-up for a make-up session or a module retake?

To schedule a make-up session or a module retake:

  • Find the next time your missed session or module in need of retake is available, click HERE to view all of our upcoming offerings.

  • Contact education@cacm.org with the course name, make-up session or module retake number, and make-up session/module date(s)  (example: CA Law Session 3, 02/02/24 OR The Basics of Association Management Sessions 1-4 Retake, 02/02/24 )

What are Completion Documents?

In order to receive CEUs in the Education Center, you must view your Completion Documents. There are 2 types Completion Documents that our Managers and Industry Partners may receive.

Course Completion Document is a document which is granted at the end of each course after fulfilling all necessary sessions and exams (if any).

An Event Completion Document is a document which is granted at end of each attended event that is associated with CEUs.

Once you have viewed either document, please read the text and follow any instructions for the next steps.

You may access your completion documents at any time in your TRANSCRIPT.

How do I download my Completion Document?

The Completion Document is the last part of a course or event and must be viewed to receive appropriate CEUs or credit. To receive a Completion Document, you must attend all sessions and pass exams (if any) for a course, OR attend all necessary sessions in an event. You will know a Completion Document is accessible if you see a star or an arrow next to it in the course or event’s CONTENTS tab.

 must attend all sessions and pass exams (if any) for a course, OR attend all necessary sessions in an event. You will know a Completion Document is accessible if you see a star or an arrow next to it in the course or event’s CONTENTS tab.

To download your Completion Document from the CONTENTS tab

  • Go to the course or event from which a Completion Document is needed 

  • Select View/Print Your Certificate (although this is listed as a certificate, CACM views this as a completion document and NOT a designation or specialty certificate).

  • Click on Print This Page at the top of the pop-up (remember to use the landscape format with Background Graphics checked and Headers & Footers unchecked)

  • Print as “Save as PDF” (if this option is available) OR simply use your Snipping Tool to save your screen shot as an image file.


To download your Completion Document from your TRANSCRIPT 

  • Select TRANSCRIPT from the Status Report drop down on the vertical menu

  • Find the appropriate course or event

  • Select View/Print Your Certificate (this is a completion document and NOT a designation or specialty certificate).

  • Click on Print This Page at the top of the pop-up (remember to use the landscape format with Background Graphics checked and Headers & Footers unchecked)

  • Print as “Save as PDF” (if this option is available) OR simply use your Snipping Tool to save your screen shot as an image file.

How do I access my transcript and course completion documents?

To access and download your transcript:

  • Select TRANSCRIPT from the Status Report drop down on the vertical menu

  • Select Download as PDF

This area is also where you can view any completion documents for completed courses or events. Simply select View/Print Certificate. Please note that although the website calls the course completion documents as certificates, however CACM recognizes these as "documents"


How do I file my initial Certification Application?

To sign-up for a certification path:
  • You may sign up for a certification path at any time, however you are not able to send in an application for certification until all necessary courses have been completed.
  • Click on My Certifications from the vertical menu on the left-hand side of the screen
  • Once available certification paths appear on the page, you may review the certification requirements
  • Click the Enroll button to enroll for your desired path

  • Once you have selected your certification path, you will need to register for each item within.  
  • View your certification In-Progress and click on the More Information button
  • Click on the CONTENT tab; this will show you the courses needed for your certification. 
  • You must register for the required coursework first by clicking on the Register (Free) button.
  • Once you have registered for the Required Coursework, you must upload either a Course Completion Document OR your Transcript for each necessary course. To learn about downloading your Completion Documents or Transcript, view the “How do I access my transcript and course completion documents?” section in our FAQs. 

  • Once you have registered for this portion, please complete the process by agreeing to the Acknowledgement, then proceeding with uploading recommendation forms, application form, and fee. The Education & Credentialing Advisor will reach out to you as needed, but you are also welcome to contact certification@cacm.org should you have any inquiries.


How do I sign up for my recertification?

  • Signing up for a recertification is much like signing up for your initial certification.
  • Go to your MY CERTIFICATIONS page and click on the RECERTIFY button for your original certification.


  • Click on ENROLL from the following pop-up. 

  • You will then see that you have a recertification in the in-Progress section. Click on the DETAILS button, then click on the VIEW button on the following page.

  • Fulfill and upload all the required recertification items within the allotted 3-year deadline:

  1. CACM Law Seminar & Expo (upload the Event Completion Document OR your transcript showing the completed event within the recertification period - be sure to use the FILTER BY DATE option in the transcript and input your initial certification date until the recertification submission date)
  2. Ethics Course (upload your Ethics Course Completion Document OR your transcript showing the completed course within the recertification period - be sure to use the FILTER BY DATE option in the transcript and input your initial certification date until the recertification submission date)
  3. Proof of 18 CEUs (upload your transcript showing the completed course ONLY within the recertification period - period - be sure to use the FILTER BY DATE option in the transcript and input your initial certification date until the recertification submission date)
  4. Completed Recertification Form (you may download this form directly from online – see image below) 


Where can I find the number of CEUs I need to recertify?

You must have a total of 30 CEUs within a recertification period. 


  • Then, go into your Transcript page and input the Earned and Expires dates into the Filter by date section (use the calendar icon or input the dates in the following format YYYY-MM-DD).
  • Your total CEUs earned within your specified time period will appear in the Total Credit section. IMPORTANT! PLEASE NOTE: If your recertification period falls between 01/01/2022 – 10/01/2024 you must also manually add the CEUs from the “External Credits & Achievements Earned” section. We suggest clicking on the Download as PDF to view your total CEUs.
  • Take your total number of CEUs earned and subtract from 30.


​CACM Contacts and Quick Access Links​

To see upcoming courses and events, view the Course Catalog

To view your certification path, view your Certification

To view courses and events you have registered for, view your Dashboard

To view and download your transcript, view your Transcript

For general questions regarding initial certification, exams, make-up sessions, modules retakes, exam retakes, or how to become a CACM Instructor, contact education@cacm.org

For questions regarding your certification, recertification, specialty designations, or education paths, contact certification@cacm.org

For questions regarding registration for a course or event, contact registration@cacm.org
